Integrative Pathways to Healing

Holistic Health Education, Mindfulness, Yoga Therapy

Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness Training Individual Zoom Calls

A fitness class for your mind.
Learn tools of mindfulness to develop personal practice.

Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to what is unfolding in the present moment in the mind, body and emotions. We all have the capacity to be mindful, and there is much evidence to support its’ benefits.

Mindfulness is a non-sectarian, non-denominational practice that develops concentration, insight and compassion. Research has shown the effectiveness of meditation in improving well-being and health. Balancing the nervous system, improving the immune system, memory and mood are some of the proven benefits of meditation.

Integrative Pathways can help you learn mindfulness practices through individual sessions or participation in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes. Professional education is also available for your company or health care facility. Find more information.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Individual Sessions

MBSR is also offered as an individual program, if timing of group classes or your needs are more specific. Through a series of 5 sessions the basic elements of the 8 week program are introduced in a customized way for anyone seeking to learn the practice of mindfulness techniques.

Contact us to learn more the dates and times for our programs and classes.

“It’s cheaper to promote health than to maintain people in sickness.”

— Florence Nightingale

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

— Gandhi

“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

— Hippocrates

“Caring for others requires caring for oneself.”

— Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama


“I don’t know what I would have done without Betsy. She has been my yoga therapist for 8 years. Thank you my friend. Namaste.”

— Lisa P.

Kamyar Hedayat

“Betsy has an amazing presence and quality of serenity that she imparts to her clients and colleagues. Betsy has the strength of medical training as a nurse as well as her vast experience in other healing arts, giving her a keen sense of balance between Western and Eastern approaches to wellness. I highly recommend her work.”

— Kamyar Hedayat
Co-president; Co-founder at Systems Biology Research Group

Matthew Taylor, PhD

“Betsy was VERY young when she started, but she’s been doing this integrative practice long before it was in vogue…follow a leader!”

— Matthew Taylor, PhD

Katie Oberlin

“I have experienced Betsy’s work as a yoga instructor and as a facilitator for the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshop. She is outstanding. Her knowledge is very deep, and she is able to give the extra added personal attention that is always appreciated. I have referred many of my Healing Touch clients to Betsy to help support their path to health and well-being. “

— Katie Oberlin
Healing Touch Instructor at Healing Touch Program